The end of the school year is filled with many traditions at every school. At Lake and Park we celebrate the graduates and send the whole school off for the summer with a community celebration. Graduating students reflect on their time at the school and share their thoughts in a speech. Below are this year's graduates reflections, in order of appearance in the photograph from left to right.
Hello I’m Finnian,
I started at Lake and Park in 1st grade and have been here ever since. It’s a good school and I’m sad to leave. I’ve done everything here from whale watching, and skiing to, digging clams, and seeing plays. If I’ve learnt anything at Lake and Park it’s that it’s ok to be yourself.
Here at Lake and Park we’ve studied everything from soccer to botany. My favorite was the physics study. We used ramps, and Hot Wheels to show gravity, and the fifth graders hosted a science fair. I was in third grade and I was very impressed.
Back in first grade I loved our Greek mythology study. I drew myself as Dionysus, the god of wines, and one of the lesser known gods. I loved learning all of the Greek Myths, some of the
world’s best known myths.
2 years ago we had an ocean study when we did group presentations. I wrote about ancient Nautiloids. If I learnt anything during this study itÅ› that you can bridge studys.
Another study I liked and want to mention is the mycology study in the fall of my fourth grade year. Mushrooms are one of the most unchanged things in the world. They are pretty much prehistoric. I liked all the fun times we had outside during that study. We went on mushroom walks and spent a day at Seward Park.
Lake and Park has helped me unlock my brain by letting me learn at my level. I have come to understand that quality is better than quantity. I believe that everyone can learn tons. They just have to unlock the part of their brain that lets them.
I’m sad that I’m going to leave my friends. I’m going to Leadership Preparatory Academy or Lead Prep school. I’m happy because it is basically Lake and Park school for 6th to 12th grade.
Thank you to my class and to Quynh, Kristina, Eileen, and Andy.
Thank you.
Finnian, first grade work time
My Years at Lake and Park
by George
My name is George and I’ve been at Lake and Park for 8 years. I have learned so much at Lake and Park, everything from ancient Greece to the Silk Road and from oceans to electricity and Physics. I would love to go in to detail about each unit but that would take forever.
My three favorite units are the Silk Road, Botany and the Ocean. Last year we studied the Silk Road. I like learning about the diversity and culture of the region. It was dangerous travelling through the desert but it was also rewarding learning about the different foods, dances, religions and goods. It was the only way information and ideas could travel.
I loved the Botany unit this fall. We learned so much about simple and unique plants and how they connect to fungus and animals. I loved the fact that we learned how plants make their food, how they pollinate other plants and how important sunlight and water is to make a plant grow. Also how important it is to conserve plants.
My other favorite unit was the Ocean unit. I like the ocean because it had tons of life, coral reefs and sharks and interesting fish the farther you go down. It really is an exploration. We have only seen 5% of the ocean so far. During that study I became an artist and made one of my best paintings of a squid including all of its’ tentacles.
Thinking back over the years I’ve had a really nice time at Lake and Park and so many funny memories. During the Silk Road study we were doing a play. We were choosing roles. I wanted to be the servant to the queen of the mongols but I didn’t get that role. One role that nobody wanted was that of the merchant's wife. I took that role. I was willing to do it, it was a girl’s role but I decided to take it. After school I asked my mom to buy me a wig. We looked at wigs for awhile and chose a curly black wig. Then we looked for Chinese women’s clothing. We found the perfect dress robe. On the night of the performance I did my role so well that even Camille thought I was a new student. As I took my bow, the wig fell off and everyone laughed with surprise.
I realize now that when I first came to Lake and Park I was a bit self-centered. I even circled every picture of myself in our first yearbook. Looking back I hate that I did that, but it does show me how much I’ve grown. I’ve learned to respect other people and to see the value of different personalities in a school. It is not all about me.
This year Quynh and Camille have been helping me a lot with getting ready for middle school and preparing for the ISEE. I’m glad I was at this school this year getting ready to go to Middle School because I felt supported and even had some fun and got into a nice school. Quynh has helped me a ton this year. She is always nice and friendly and has helped with everything from spelling to math to writing. She makes jokes and is a great friend and teacher. Thank you, Quynh.
I’ve had a great time at Lake and Park. I am sad to leave and in some ways I wish I had another year but I know I will have a great time at my next school. I will always look back at Lake and Park as a great beginning.
Thank you.
George at Issaquah Creek, 2014 |
I have had some extraordinary years here at Lake and Park. I'll jump right in by saying that Lake and Park has the most incredible teachers I will ever meet. Quynh broadened my understanding of math, Eileen taught me how to be a good person in general, Andy even taught me how to tie my shoes! Before I go on I would like to thank the teachers for their flexibility, encouragement, and rigor.
There have been many units of study during my years at Lake and Park but for me one stands out. In 2nd grade we had a study of religion, I was placed in the Hinduism group. It was my first chance to work with older students. We read books and focused on our assigned religion so much I felt like I myself was Hindu!
At the Lake and Park School we play lots of sports, from baseball and soccer to Ultimate and badminton. Playing these sports with my good friends has made me a better sport, on and off the playing field. One thing about sports here at Lake and Park is that everyone honors everyone's opinion, so if there is a debate over a play everyone gets heard. My favorite sport that we play at Lake and Park is Ultimate Frisbee because it's a very friendly game.
Another reason I love this school so much is because of the fun kids. I remember my first day at Lake and Park, knowing only 2 or so kids. That day was not awkward or uncomfortable, the kids were welcoming and kind and I felt included. As I go to middle school next year I am confident that I will bring that lesson in kindness to my new school. My last 4 years here have been full of fun times with kids and teachers alike. As I move on I hope that other kids can get the opportunity to go to this amazing school. Thank you.
Julian and Max collecting physics data. |
A Happiness for Learning
By Griffin
My past 5 years here at Lake and Park have been fun, exciting and extraordinary. We’ve been to the tops of mountains and to the ocean shore. We’ve gone to farms, temples and churches. Some of the units that stand out are the study of Greek mythology, the ocean and botany.
Friendliness, excitement, and happiness for learning are the three qualities I feel I have gained here at Lake and Park.
Friendliness because everyone at Lake and Park is welcoming and for the most part I have enjoyed coming here every day. I hope to feel that way about my next year in Middle School.
We create excitement for most people at Lake and Park through the things we do, the field trips we take and the projects we make. I have gotten to know the neighborhood better by going to places we’ve been together year after year, like Seattle Center, the garden, Issaquah Creek, the library, and woodworking at Franklin.
I think everybody has helped me understand the importance of knowledge, literature, math, and reading, and art. I feel a happiness for learning, now- after this school has taught me all of these things. I would like to thank all of the teachers and kids for encouraging me through the years. And I hope that all of you will continue to feel the friendliness, happiness and excitement for learning.
Thank you!
Griffin at Issaquah Creek |
Through more than half my life…
By Keefe
7 years. I have gone here for 7 years, and I’m only 11.
Back when I first came here, back on my first day, I knew almost no one. So, me and some other kids, we got together and played a game. Short, I know. That was the first time I ever made friends at this school. I was very young back then, and that was only my first day. I remember a lot of old friends from back then, Thomas, Phin, Ted, and George, are only a few of them. Once I made friends here things were so much easier. They really helped me.
Now the teachers… I owe them a lot. Through the years they taught me cursive, how to read, long division, how NOT to fit a square peg in a round hole, ok maybe not that far back but you get the idea. This place has had a lot of amazing events and subjects like the salmon release or the Lake and Park anniversary that recently happened this year. I want to thank all the teachers who taught me so much. I want to thank all my friends who helped me through my time at Lake and Park.
And… I want to thank my family. You know, not many kids get a chance like this, so I want to thank my family for making me this lucky, to be apart of this. When I’m off to another school I’ll be saying, “Wow, this is a lot different from Lake and Park School”.
Thank You.
Keefe, on a field trip to Rainier Recycle Center
My Experience at Lake and Park
By Madeleine
This year has been good, crazy and funny, but most importantly amazing. I’ve made memories I will never forget and bonds that will never break.
I just want to start off by saying how amazing and supportive all the teachers are and how much they care about giving us a good education. They’ve really helped me grow, and not just with math and writing, but also with learning how to be a better person. I want to give a special thanks to Quynh, Eileen, Kim, Maudie, Andy and Camille. For always being there when I need help or have a question.
At Lake and Park I not only learn from the teachers but from the students. For example, I was having some trouble with a math problem so I asked Nadia for help and she quickly accepted. Another example of when a classmate helped me out is when I was working on a piece of artwork and I wanted to add a little more to it, Sophia gave me a suggestion. My classmates also make me feel better when I’m sad or have a problem. Going into middle school I will bring that caring and positive attitude.
One of the studies that I really enjoyed is the Writing/Poetry unit. My favorite part was the silent walk with Samar because I learned to take things in and appreciate them more. I hope I remember to do that in the future. The poetry Bazaar gave me a sense of what it was like to run a business.
This was my first year doing downhill skiing. At first it was really tricky and I felt like I didn't want to do it but, when I went the next time it got easier and then I started having fun. I was so excited that I got it and that I learned to seize the opportunity.
This year has been amazing I wish I wasn’t leaving, but this is just the beginning to what I hope will be a better, brighter future. I’m so grateful that I got to meet all these nice, considerate and respectful people at Lake and Park. I can't thank them enough for all that they did for me. Thank you.
Madeleine and Nadia observing leaves during the study of botany |
My Lake and Park Family
By Maisie
On my first day at Lake and Park School I was nine years old, I was excited and nervous at the same time as I walked up the stairs to the North Room. When I met my teacher Quynh I was surprised by her positive attitude and warm personality and I immediately liked her. I got to know everyone and was happy to be accepted into such an awesome group so fast.
That fall my mom was diagnosed with Leukemia, my whole family was shocked and worried, and my anxiety made it hard for me to go to school and made it even harder to sleep. At first I didn't want to go to school, but I soon learned school would help me relax without having to worry about my mom. As my mom got better I felt better too, and I found learning about what was happening to her helped me, along with visiting her a lot. My mom got better very fast and is sitting here today, the people at Lake and Park are rock stars at getting people to feel better!
That same year we had the Silk Road study, in the play I was the Chinese Princess and I remember having a very hard time fake crying, as desperate as it was to look real, it was utterly hilarious and I would end up laughing into my hands instead of crying. That play was my first play and will always be the best.
In that same study we used scrolls to write a make believe story about ourselves on the Silk Road, my partner was Nadia and I absolutely loved it because I love imagining all the possibilities and I am proud to say that Nadia and I explored every corner of it, from a 1,000 mile hike to a camel named Sandy, lets ride!
Then came the graduation of Reese, Max, Roham, and Iris, that was when I realized I would be in the next group to leave.
After having a great summer I returned to Lake and Park for my second year. One of the things I really remember from this year was going to the Little Prince play at Seattle Children's Theater. We were partnered up with the children from downstairs who would be our buddies for the field trip.
My partner’s name is Toby, he is one of the funnest, kindest people, and he seems to need zero supervision. From that day on when I saw him in Camille's class I would smile and wave, those moments are very special to me because it can be tricky getting to know someone four or five years younger than you, and Toby and I didn't have hard a time. Toby is definitely one of the people I will miss the most.
And now I will go to the thank yous. Andy, you are one of the funniest, funnest, and the most cool teacher I have ever had in my life, thank you for all of the awesome Frisbee games. Camille, you are so caring, and happy, and you are the best singing instructor I’ve had, thank you for all of the good laughs. Quynh S., You are one of the awesomest teachers I’ve had because you can kick a ball very high in the air, and I remember playing Quick Word with you and it was the funnest board game I have ever played. Thank you for the awesome personality you have every day. Kim, you have a great bubbly personality that I just love, and you are so sparkly I would just go WOW, thank you for all the great vibes I got from you and for always being available for everyone. Morgan, You are the best yoga instructor I ever had, It’s like your secret superpower! Thank you for being so friendly and always saying hello, (cause it always made me feel better). Sofia, You are the best Spanish teacher I have had. You are an amazing teacher with many talents including dancing, and flossing. Maudie, you have the most helping personality I know of, your ability to help others has helped me be a better helper myself, and I will miss you so much. Eileen, you are the most exciting person to be around, you make everything fun and interesting, even if it is a hike in pouring down rain. Thank you for all the fun scientific explorations, and a thousand thanks for helping me with this speech and making it the funnest speech process I have ever had, I will miss your awesome everything!
And finally my teacher Quynh, Quynh I can not believe the support you’ve given me, you have the most fun and energetic personality I can think of, you are so supportive and kind to everyone, and I’m going to say this now that you made school, like going to see a good friend and you will always be the best teacher I had. Thank you for everything.
When I first came to Lake and Park I thought it was just a school, but now I think it is just a really big family. Thank you!
Maisie and Toby at the beach with plank houses. |
My Years at Lake and Park
By Nadia
My name is Nadia and I have been at Lake and Park for six years. From my first day to my last I have had teachers to support me and friends to make me laugh.
On my first day I met Olivia who became my best friend. We were always laughing and playing together, in fact we were together so much that people would mistake us for sisters.
In first grade I met Quynh my teacher who taught me to love math and numbers and that there can be more than one right answer to a question. That year I learned to read and the squiggles in books took shape into stories and poems. When I learned to read it felt like the whole world made sense at last.
In third grade we were out and about a lot. We went whale watching for our ocean study we saw a few whales and lots of seals. We also went to the Nordic museum during our study of immigration. From being out so much I learned that learning does not always have to take place in a classroom.
Now I am in fifth grade and I have memorized the multiplication tables and learned about the ways different cultures interpret the constellations. We did a play about the constellations. I was in a group with Griffin and Maisie. We were studying Africa and it was interesting to learn about how they thought that the stars are hedgehog like creatures.
We have studied lots of amazing and enlightening subjects which all seem to relate to each other. And I have mentioned only some of my wonderful teachers and kind friends. In all my six years I have never been alone. I’ve had friends and teachers that make learning fun and interesting, so I’d like to thank them for all they have done for me. When I leave this school for the last time I know I won’t forget my time here and what it has taught me. Thank you!
Olivia and Nadia collecting leaves at the park. |
Something to Remember
By Pippa
During my time at The Lake and Park School, I read a lot. I became obsessed with the Warriors series, maybe some of you have read them, but if not I highly recommend it. Within a few months I had read all thirty four books, enjoying each and every one of them. Sometimes I wish I hadn’t gone through them so fast, much like how I wish my time at The Lake and Park School hadn’t passed by so quickly. Even though it did go by faster then I wanted it to, I have so many amazing memories to keep and cherish, and friends to remember them with.
One of the big parts of my experience here has been my teacher Quynh. She is always very supportive and has the coolest ways of teaching us things, she taught the class math songs and counting tricks to help us memorize our sevens and eights. Quynh even came up with my nickname “Pip pip” or sometimes “Pip pip hooray”. She is always there for me, cracking jokes when I most need them.
Last year we played a lot of soccer games, and of course, Andy was the commentator. He had the silliest names for everyone. Griffin was Gryffindor, Julian- J Pod, Keefe- Keefer, Ted-Ted cheddar, and Roham was Rohammer. All the names were strangely clever, when Andy starts up with his humor, he can get anyone laughing.This year we played soccer games too, I had some really fun times cracking jokes with Ayar while she lounged in the goal. It makes me laugh just thinking about it.
One of my favorite parts about the Lake and Park School is the units of study. I enjoyed everyone of them yet, one remains my favorite, and that is The Silk Road Unit. I think I liked it the most because it was so active. We did so many interesting things, including the Bazaar and the play. I loved the play because of the costumes and the set we made, I was a jade seller and had a box that said jade on it. Except I colored the e in jade yellow so it looked like jad. To add to that, nobody told me until after the performance. It was embarrassing, but now I just laugh about it.
Most importantly, I made friends here. And they will continue to be my friends, I want to thank them, for being there for me and just having a great time. I also want to thank all the teachers at Lake and Park, they always make me smile and answer any question I may have.
I have so many things to be thankful for I couldn’t possibly write them all down in this speech, but I will always remember and use them to prepare myself for middle school and all the great experiences to come. Thank you.
Pippa dressed to travel the Silk Road. |
My Time at Lake and Park
By Sophia
In this last year at Lake and Park I’ve really been thinking about all the great friendships and amazing teachers and many many wonderful memories and things that I have learned. My first project I worked on in first grade was the bunny study. We all chose a different breed of bunny to study. Lots of things came out of that experience. I think the most important one was learning how to work and have fun at the same time.
When I was in second grade we climbed Rattlesnake Ridge. It was my first hike without my family and I was both scared and excited at the same time. The hike wasn't that long but it was so hot that it felt like hours. I was so anxious to get to the top that I kept asking when we would get there. We got there, and it was the most incredible view that I have ever seen. what I learned from this experience was how to be patient and more independent.
The Really Rosie production was full of singing and dramatic acting. This was my biggest proformance I had ever done. Being on stage in front of a bunch of people really frightened
me, but watching the older kids do it made me want to do it too. I had always looked up to the 5th graders and now I’m one myself. Other people doing the same thing I was doing with me made me feel less scared. The thing I learned here was that It helps to work in groups if you’re nervous.
To me, making friends has always been easy and I am very thankful for all the friends I have at Lake and Park and I will be sad to leave them behind. But I know I will make new friends and never forget the ones I had here.
I want to thank Quynh and Camille for getting me and everyone else ready for Middle school. I want to thank them for helping me to prepare for my middle school test. I want to thank Eileen for helping me with this speech and being the best lit group teacher I have ever had. And lastly I want to thank all the teachers in the Lake and Park school for how amazing they are. I’m going to miss the Lake and Park school but I will always carry it in my heart... Thank You
Sophia, with friends |
My Memories of Lake and Park
By Ted
When I first came to Lake and Park I was in Camille’s class . I can remember, we were always doing math. Not math problems written down on paper, but we were always solving problems, sharing blocks and colored erasers.
Every day we would gather on the rug and sing and skip. All the singing and skipping still helps me today to keep a good rhythm in swimming. Thank you Camille for a good start.
I remember the first time we met Joel and Amber, Kristina’s pets, We loved those bunnies, so soft and quiet. They probably didn't like us we were always noisy.
Kristina always said 6 times 6 is 36, so we ran down to the park singing that and, "Eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh eh uh." That was the year we started cross country. Back then Keefe, Thomas, and I were the fastest in our class.
Every year we work together in small groups on projects I am pretty sure I have worked with everyone in my grade multiple times. What I learned from this is how to work together. I think this will help me in middle school because you do a lot of group projects.
Something we have done every year is raise salmon. One year Julian and I helped to test the water and take care of the salmon. We stayed in from the park every day to do the salmon check.
For the last two years Quynh has been my teacher. She taught us long division and multiplication. We learned area, circumference, diameter and radius. Quynh also taught us how to divide fractions. I remember getting donuts for learning the division donuts. I’ve always liked math but I understand a lot more because Quynh is a good teacher.
One of the fun things I did was ultimate Frisbee with Andy and Quinn Slotnick. I liked Frisbee because I got to learn a new sport and be with my friends at the same time.
I’m sad to leave Lake and Park because I’ve made some good friendships and I won’t get to see these friends everyday. But I’m also happy because I get to meet new people and make new friends. Thank you.
Ted during the Physics study
My Years at Lake and Park
By Thomas
If you were to ask me what Lake and Park has been for me I would answer like this, "A WHOLE LOT OF THINGS!" I’ve studied a lot, everything from Ancient Egyptians and the Arctic, my first units, to Native Americans my last study here. I changed schools for two years. And I have friends from Lake and Park that I hope will always be my friends.
In first grade is when Ted and I first became friends. We became friends because Kristina my first grade teacher had us sit next to each other. Big mistake! We talked so much she had to move us. That was in first grade but in first grade Quynh also came. Quynh and Kristina made this system during literacy called “must do, should do, and can do”. This is how we learned to set priorities. I remember thinking in first grade that school was so hard. I am glad I didn't know what was ahead.
Now I'm going to mention some of the best moments at Lake and Park. Once in kindergarten when we were going to have quiet time which is like free play with toys but you don’t talk, Camille went to play quiet music but she accidentally put on YMCA! We all burst out laughing. It took a while after that to get us quiet. There was also a time in second grade when we went to the cathedral in downtown Seattle. I was amazed by all of the beautiful glass and art work and I really want to go there again. This year I really liked the writing unit when we did the book bazaar. I liked it because we all got to make our own books to sell to each other.
Now I have 3 Thank yous. First I want to thank Everyone. I am thanking everyone here because everyone is always being joyful and happy around me. I also would like to thank all my friends for always being my friends, and welcoming me back this year. And finally, I want to thank all my teachers. Tom, Eileen, Camille, Quynh, Andy, and Kristina. I am thanking them for always being there to help me. Thank you.
Ted and Thomas sitting next to each other in 2013 |