Planet Earth Collage - "I hope the earth doesn't get destroyed" |
Lake and Park School Earth Day Fair of 2015 was a day of
active participation, peer teaching, and shared experience. The morning began with a community meeting
led by the school founder and director, Camille Hayward. To create an Earth Day Song Book, the oldest
students in the school had generated a long list of songs we all know which
relate to many of our studies over the years.
Our singing that morning was enthusiastic and earnest. The week before,
North Room students worked on a special edition of the school newspaper. Each person had chosen a topic based on personal
interest, class studies and relevance to a special “Earth Day” edition of the
Morgan Padgett, the Primary Class teacher opened the gathering with a
beautiful poem by JaneYolan, setting the tone for a wonderful day of
exploration, learning, connection and celebration of planet earth.
Morgan reads Earth Day, by Jane Yolan
I am the
And the
Earth is me.
Each blade
of grass,
Each honey
Each bit of
And stick
and stone
Is blood and
Skin and
And just as
Need every
Of me to
My body fit,
So Earth
Grass and
stone and tree
And things
that grow here
That’s why
this day.
That’s why
The world we
As long as
As dear, as
I am the
And the
Earth is me.
Over a dozen
different activities were planned for the fair and students moved throughout
the school with a certificate to record participation at each activity. The oldest students had planned together a
variety of different events to teach and focus attention on this special day,
with pairs of students organizing and supporting each area. In this way, the fair reflected the scope of
learning that began last fall with our all school study of weather, and
continued throughout the winter with a focus on energy use, and learning about
many of the earth’s systems. The variety
of activities also engaged many different modalities of learning; game playing,
art, writing, experimentation, and construction. The focus was on re-using
Roham works to create a game that teaches about garbage in preparation of the Earth Day Fair. |
Planting seeds. |
Testing recyceled boat construction. |
Sharing the special Earth Day edition of the Lake and Park Times. |
Working with
our wonderful educational partners in the community;
National GeographicEducation,
Facing the Future,
EarthEcho International,
NOAA Climate Stewards,
Friends of the Issaquah Salmon Hatchery, students across the grades are
learning and thinking about the ways the earth’s major systems work, and the
ways people interact with these systems. Earth Day 2015 was a day to celebrate this learning. We hope families will let us know when and how you take action at home
to reduce energy use. Ask your child about it, they may have some ideas.
all, the group effort of dedicated students and teachers made the Earth Day
Fair a meaningful and engaging event for everyone.
The whole school gathers at the end of the day to share poetry and song. |